Fall 2023 Newlsetter

Hello Friends!

How are you feeling as we greet another change in season? How have you grown and changed so far this year? 

How is your heart?

As always, I’m meeting the end of summer with mixed feelings. 

Some people love the crisp, vibrant energy this time of year brings. Me? I’m a huge fan of the slowly flowing days of sunshine, flip flops, and freedom from the intense hustle that happens when school schedules and holidays dictate time. The perpetual timelessness of summer matches my inner pace.

That said, my summer flew by this year…it was very full in a new, wonderful way.  I’ve had the incredible privilege of working with so many of you who are seeking to deepen your practice by exploring ways to evolve from skilled body technicians into masterful therapeutic artists. 


This looks like


✅ exploring the incredibly wide spectrum of intuitive and empathic styles, and understanding how your own personality, preferences, fears, communication habits, triggers, and trauma histories are either expanding or blocking your ability to connect with your clients

✅ bringing honesty and simplicity to dialogue, and all communication

✅ developing personally relevant techniques and rituals to return to a grounded and centered state

✅ taking a very honest look at hustling, burnout, and compassion fatigue and making the changes necessary to sustain and enhance your ability to be present and compassionate

✅ applying new ways to share information and education, so that you and your clients can be immersed in presence and felt-sense wisdom during your sessions


These concepts aren’t just “nice, yet unnecessary.” 

They are foundational to the health and sustainability of your business. Because doing your soul's work through the lens of someone else’s example or expectations is a surefire recipe for disillusionment and exhaustion.  

Artistry is about being honest.

And challenging the status quo on expertise, hierarchy, and empowerment.

And finding the confidence to be the best versions of ourselves, so that our presence is a catalyst for bringing others to their own best selves.

This exploration is courageous and incredibly fruitful work. I am so grateful to continue offering pathways towards discovery of your unique and potent expression of artistry.

From my heart, thank you for trusting me in your exploration towards mastery. It’s an absolute honor to be present with the massive growth in confidence, embodied presence, and experiences of awe that are transforming your practices into authentic expressions of your inner gifts, informing your skilled hands in new and powerful ways.

With love,



A Love Letter to Empaths, Intuitives, and Highly Sensitive Therapists