If you are…

*ready to embark on a conscious process of deepening your unique gifts in the realms of resonance, intuition, presence, and authentic compassion

*seeking a path to reignite feelings of mystery, awe, and deep gratitude as a practitioner

*exploring your sense of awareness and responsibility for the energy exchange during your sessions

*needing ways to address challenges with energy awareness and expenditure, grounding and centering, dialoguing, and all manner of communication involved in your practice

*looking for an opening to commune with like-hearted others, so you can connect more deeply with yourself and the patients who put their trust in you

…it will be my honor to go on that exploration with you.

I have been offering group and one on one mentorship to therapists seeking to evolve in their therapeutic practice over the course of my (decades long!) career. It is a true passion of mine to support others in re-connecting with themselves and their heart’s work. Together we can explore how to bring more presence, embodied intuition, attunement, and artistry to your work with clients. This can include: investigating your sticking points, bringing fresh curiosity to the places of your practice that feel challenging, and identifying new ways for you to breathe new life into your work. There will be no fixed formula for our work together. Each session will be different based on your needs and interests.

Interested in collaborating on your new path forward? Let’s talk about it.

Artistry is what distinguishes a masterful practitioner from a mere technician.

Its healthy expression shares foundational principles, yet in order to be authentic and benevolent, it must be an honest extension of the practitioner’s unique qualities.

I often hear from therapists who are searching for ways to take their work to new and deeper levels of connection, but they are unsure where to start. Some feel disconnected from the the skills that lead to development of intuition and attunement. Some are inspired to continue the meaningful work they love but they feel isolated in their practice, or alone in the understanding and appreciation of their unique intuitive capabilities. Some are completely overwhelmed by the experience of being an empath or highly sensitive person. Others have lost contact with the source of inspiration that brought them to their work. Many are simply experiencing the vague feeling that something within their practice is missing, without knowing exactly what it is.

If you can relate to any of these feelings, please hear this:

You’re not alone.

You’re not faltering in career choice, or failing in reaching your potential.

You’re on the precipice of your exciting next step!

Once we’ve developed confidence in our technical skill, another incredible adventure opens to us: the discovery and expression of our personal artistry.

Often times I hear artistry referred to as an “inborn” trait- as in, you either have it or you don’t. I absolutely disagree!

Artistry is a skill that can (and should) be developed. It’s not enough to model another practitioner you admire. You cultivate and nurture your unique artistry through an inner exploration which shines light on the ways you receive information, the ways in which you express yourself, and your awareness of energetic resonance in all of your interactions.

Click below to book your free consultation, or connect with me via email: tara@taracarrington.com