Cultivate deeper levels of therapeutic presence and artistry.
I am passionate about offering support and community for fellow therapists longing to discover and magnify their unique expression of deep presence, attunement, intuition, and dialogue. I help MFR therapists create a more effective, compassionate and authentic healing practice.
Are you a therapist longing to deepen your practice?
You can be the best manual therapist on earth yet if you are not treating with your client’s heart and spirit in mind, results will be temporary. Your clients will not stay satisfied. And neither will you.
Can you answer YES to any of the below questions?
I have hit a plateau and know something is missing
I know I have more potential but I don’t know how to tap into it
I want to dialogue from wisdom rather than imitate what I have seen or heard elsewhere
I am overwhelmed, or underwhelmed, by my intuition
I want to stop leaning on hierarchy and “expert in the room” status with my clients
Clients aren’t engaged, getting results, or progress is slow/temporary
Clients aren’t coming back
“Being mentored by Tara has been a huge benefit for my practice as therapist, and in my personal life.
Learning to connect most deeply to myself, to quiet the internal chatter and truly listen and be completely present…that is the most beautiful skill I have received from Tara, and the best gift I can offer to my clients”
-Rhonda Collins OTR/L
“In a world that is so desperate for authenticity, Tara is the Beacon of Hope.
I personally and professionally would not be where I am today without her guidance and unwavering love...intuitive presence is within you. With Tara's teaching, enlightenment and mindfulness you can find you,”
-Jennifer Lind, M.S. Ed, OTR/L
The times that Tara has treated me are among the most healing that I have ever experienced.
Of all of the practitioners who have treated me, including John Barnes, I would place Tara Carrington at the top of the list of masters in facilitating healing along with John F. Barnes himself. ...under her guidance and skill, I was able to release much of the energy of the impact of my injury, and with her healing hands, I was able to reduce my neck pain and I felt so much more like myself. Her skill and her soft and loving energy will invite your immediate trust.
I recommend her without hesitation.
-Carol M. Davis, DPT, EdD, MS, FAPTA - Professor Emerita, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Tara Carrington is simply one of the best therapists I have ever met.
As a body worker myself and knowing Tara for over a decade, I strive to hold the presence she has. She has been one of the most influential people in the way I work. She guides us into our own authenticity, into our heart, and into our personal power.
- D. Lefebvre LMT
An Online Course for Evolving Therapists
Connect With Community, Embrace The Unknown, Transform Your Practice